dimanche 29 août 2010

Lazy End of Summer

a photograph I took this week-end

Hello Lovelies,

A tea doodle by me, Vic from TeaButterfly

I dunno about you, but around this time of year, I'd rather de-stress, cool down and think of late August as the most relaxed, lazy summer days... They're filled with beautiful, colorful butterflies...

image from the Oh Océane blog

Let's linger on...

That wonderful time of year tastes of lemonade, of course.

Of lounging beds...

Of tenderness and love...

Of drying dills in the fields...

A dill doodle by me, Vic from TeaButterfly

Of just sensual sunlight

And late at night, beautiful lanterns alit...

All images, unless otherwise noted, come from the jjjjound.com blog


Vic from TeaButterfly.