lundi 12 avril 2010

Busy Bee

Hello Lovelies!

"Tea with Lost Feather" - original art by Vic Lipson

...and Happy Monday to you!

I'm busy as a bee preparing a Monday Mood Board - made out of my flickr faves - for you to enjoy, as well as fine tuning this brand new blog for an optimal enjoyable reading experience. If you have a look at my complete profile, you'll see I'm adding a lot of goodies to my blogroll, while trying to keep "My Cup of Tea" (favorite blogs) to a maximum of five highlights!

Now to the fun, creative part... :-) I've been drawing a tea scene in a entirely different style (for me) this past week-end and I'm happy to announce it's up on the shop! It's called "Tea with a Lost Feather". More photos and views are available here. Please note that just *one* image is a scan, while the other are photographs that I took, trying on different settings and lights, so you'll get the best idea of how this piece of art really looks!

Hope you enjoy it!

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Tea and art. How simple! How fun! Good luck with the new blog. It's bookmarked and moved to the top. XOJY

Unknown a dit…

thanks, XOJY!

what is your blog address, if I may ask?
I'd like to add you too!


xojy a dit…

Flickr is my blog. Everything I have to say is in pictures and captions.